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A Machine Learning guide for non CS majors with applications to Art, Engineering, Physics, Medicine and Chemistry.

Which machine learning algorithms should you use for your research or project?

There are already several automatized programs that take your data and evaluate machine learning algorithms on it. By design, those methods won’t use the optimal parameters or don’t use the recent technology. In this notes we aim to give several examples of algorithms and applications to help you identify the method most suitable for your problem while understanding how to use the more capabilities of the algorithm. This will be an important difference if you are interested in research, or to optimize a solution to a problem. In case that all you want is a quick solution without worrying if it is optimal or not, you may prefer to use automatized methods instead, we will mention a couple of them in the corresponding section.

Principal Investigator


Our Team.

Contributors of the Machine Learning notebooks

team people

Jose Mendoza-Cortes

Principal Investigator

Hello, I am Jose. My research interests are: Machine Learning Techniques, Quantum Computing, Materials, Energy, Atomistic and Quantum Simulations.

team people

Eric Dolores


Hello, I am Eric. My research interests are: Math, Literature, Machine Learning and Activism. My training is in Abstract Algebra and Machine Learning.

team people

Carlos Aguirre


Hello, I am Carlos. My research interests are: Applications of Machine Learning to Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Chemical Simulations and Reactive Force Fields. My training is in Physics, Optics and Quantum Chemistry.

team people

Yu-Ying Tzeng

Postdoctoral Fellow

Hello, I am Ying. My research interests are: Machine Learning, Deep Learning application, Monte Carlo methods, Risk Management and Insurance. My training is in Financial Mathematics.

team people

Guanglei Xu

Postdoctoral Fellow

Hello, I am Guanglei Xu. My research interests are Quantum Algorithm development, Quantum Computing device design and application of Near-Term Quantum Computers and Quantum Simulators. My training is in Quantum Optics and Computation.

team people

Gabriel Jurado

Graduate Student

Hello, I am Gabriel. My research interests are: Phase-Transitions, Critical Phenomena, Renormalization Group, Information Geometry, and Non-Equilibrium Dynamics. My training is in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics.

team people

Peter Woerner

Graduate Student

Hello, I am Peter. My research interests are: Engineering, Optimization, Hardware, Modeling and Simulation. My training is in Mechanical Engineering and Material Science.

team people

Nathan Crock

Graduate Student

Hello, I am Nathan. My research interests are Representation Learning, Transfer Learning, and Learning without Backpropagation. My training is in Mathematics, Computational Science and Neuroscience.

team people

Sara Victoria


Hello, I am Sara. My research interests are Foreign Languages and Linguistics. My training is in East Asian Languages/Culture and Psychology.

team people

Alex Aduenko


Hello, I am Alex. My research interests are Financial Mathematics. My training is in Physics.

team people

Miguel Agel MagaƱa Fuentes

Hello, I am Miguel. My training is in Computational Chemistry.

team people

Henry Chung

Graduate Student

Hello, I am Henry. My research interests are Software Engineering, Website Development, and Weightlifting.

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